
We have expanded over the past 2 years, but the grants are now beginning to decrease so I do not see further expansion at this time.

Providers are hesitant to engage in MOUD in some areas, especially given the cost without grants.

We are in process of applying for the 1115 waiver which should help sustain even after the grants are gone.

This is a complicated question because in Louisiana we have 8 state facilities and 86 local facilities. We house half of the state inmates in local facilities. It would be a very small percentage. We offer it at 5 locations now, but move inmates as needed to programming.

We have fewer no shows in the prison system. We have incentives such as good time to keep them in programming. Their use of other illicit drugs is likely less during incarceration. They have fewer family and friend influences around them which can be good or bad. Their influence comes from the rules of the prison and their peers.