
We have offered Vivitrol to releasing individuals since 2017. As of April 2023, we began our MOUD expansion efforts in which individuals who are stabilized on buprenorphine in county jail may continue on Sublocade injection while in our custody. 

We have a multi-phase plan to continue our expansion efforts but no specific timeframe identified per each phase. 

Lack of training/understanding from staff and administrators, no specific funding allocated to the expansion, staff specifically and only working with MOUD is needed, additional post-prison release resources to continue services and provide value-added feedback in return.

Because Behavioral Health Group is providing the MOUD services while in custody, BHG will continue services post prison release.

We really need on-going training, staff specific to work with MOUD clients, and funding.

At this time, four facilities, 3 camps, and 2 transitional housing centers are providing or are able to provide Sublocade to individuals in custody.

We, in a carceral setting, need to incorporate the risk of diversion. We also do not have staffing capacity to offer SUD treatment to every person in custody that needs it.